English language arts
Can I make predictions about a character based only on an illustration - Year 2 The Bog Baby
Can I make predictions about a character based only on an illustration - Year 2 The Bog Baby
Can I write sentences using the –ed suffix? The Bog Baby
Can I write sentences using the –ed suffix? The Bog Baby
Reading Comprehension - Year 1/2/3 - Castles
Reading Comprehension - Year 1/2/3 - Castles - using inference and scanning skills.
Vocabulary - The Dragon Machine
Similies - Grandad's Islands
Similies - Grandad’s Islands - differentiated Year 2
Can I use addition and subtraction bonds within 20?
Can I use addition and subtraction bonds within 20? differentiated
Find and Copy Comprehension - Practise Skill- KS1 SATS
Find and Copy Comprehension Skill. Practise for KS1 SATS.
Books needed:
Elmer and Wilbur
Over in the Meadow
Caterpillar Diary
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